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Fangyuan Li
袁方黎 - 李芳缘
为了加强梦是自由的空间这个概念,我将原本存在于2D世界里的画和角色打印在抱枕、马克杯、台灯、床单、陶瓷盘子、棒棒糖等等物体上,来营造一个3D的梦的空间。于是drawing变成了installations。我们的梦境总是千奇百怪、无所不有,为了让这个空间更像梦境,我加上了一些现成品:鲜花、蛋糕、水果、飞舞的稻草、我的sketchbook等等,让美梦的空间更温暖,让噩梦的空间更甜美而 诡异。
In order to increase the idea that dreams are free spaces, I printed drawings and characters that existed in the 2D world on pillows, mugs, lamps, bed sheets, ceramic plates, lollipops and so on, to create two 3D dream spaces.
Our dreams are always strange and varied, and to make this space more like a dream I added some found objects: flowers, cakes, fruits, flying straws, my sketchbook, etc., to make the space of beautiful dreams warmer and the space of nightmares sweeter and spookier.
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